Fascinating Behind-The-Scenes Footage of Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING

If you’ve never seen this behind-the-scene footage of Stanley Kubrick directing his adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining before, I’m sharing it here for you to watch. This footage has been around for a while, but I know a lot of people that still haven’t seen it, so I imagine many of you may not have seen it either. But even if you have seen it, the footage is totally worth revisiting.

The video features footage of Jack Nicholson rehearsing his lines between takes, Stanley Kubrick typing on a manual typewriter and exploring unconventional camera angles, Shelley Duvall learning how to apply her make-up, Nicholson taking his terrifying character to extremes, and Kubrick getting angry at Duvall.

The Shining is an all-time horror classic, this gives us a little glimpse at what it was like for everyone who was lucky to be a part of the action.

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