Taika Waititi Says THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER Will Make RAGNAROK Look Safe and Will Include "Space Sharks"

Yesterday, Taika Waititi hosted a live commentary of Thor: Ragnarok, and as expected he teased a few things that we can expect from his next film, Thor: Love and Thunder.

During the commentary, which Tessa Thompson and Mark Ruffalo joined in on, the director said that fan-favorite character Beta-Ray Bill is "up in the air" and he also revealed that the story includes "space sharks." I’ll get back to the “space sharks,” but first I wanted to share one thing he said about his next Marvel movie that is sure to get fans excited.

Thompson brought up the fact that she still hasn’t read the most recent script of Thor: Love and Thunder, and that’s when Waititi shared that this next film makes Ragnarok feel “really safe.” I loved the way he describes it here:

"It makes Ragnarok feel like a really run-of-the-mill, really safe film. This new movie feels like we asked a bunch of 10-year-olds what they wanted to see and then just said yes to every single thing."

So, needless to say, Thor: Love and Thunder is going to be the ridiculously wild and over-the-top film that some fans have been hoping for. I loved Ragnarok, so the fact that the director is going to take it to a new and different crazy level is exciting.

One of those new crazy elements he’s looking to add are those space sharks, which are most likely the Star Sharks that were created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum. They first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #162.

In the comics, Starsharks are shark-like creatures that live in space. They are captured by the Brood and undergo technological modification for advanced propulsion to increase their offensive capabilities. Starsharks altered by the Brood commonly have their mouths braced open and are equipped with directed energy weapons, as well as snare lines capable of delivering the Slaver Virus to stunned captives.

Seeing these Space Sharks on the big screen are certainly going to be super cool and interesting!

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