STAR WARS: ANDOR Attempted to Drop the F-Bomb but Disney Shut it Down

Star Wars: Andor was a great series and easily one of the most adult Star Wars projects that have ever been produced. It took fans on an engaging and thrilling Star Wars adventure, and it took the franchise to a refreshing new level as it was a smart series that didn’t treat fans like idiots.

It turns out that writer and creator Tony Gilroy actually attempted to drop the F-bomb in the Lucasfilm series! Series director Benjamin Caron recently spoke with CinemaBlend's ReelBlend podcast and shared that Disney prevented that from happening, but they did actually shoot it!

In the season finale, titled "Rix Road," Maarva Andor's (Fiona Shaw) gave a speech that was slightly different than what was planned. The actor originally said "F*ck the Empire!" in her speech! That is a phrase that Star Wars fans would have flipped over! It would have been a collective “Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Shit!”

Caron revealed: "Yeah, that was all Tony. Right from the very beginning, he was like, 'We're gonna do this. We're gonna get away with this. I mean, Disney has said no. But there is no way I'm... I am not letting them get away with this!' And I was like, 'All right, okay, we're gonna do it.' And then, uh, yeah." 

He addressed Shaw’s delivery of the line saying: "Hell yeah! I mean, Fiona Shaw? That was like the first thing that came out of her mouth when we were shooting that! And then the producer was like, 'Okay, you need to get a safety.' And I'm like, 'Oh, come on.' They were like, 'You need a safety.' So, yeah. In my head, when I see that, I hear 'F*ck the Empire,' not 'Fight the Empire.'"

I love this! I love that they actually shot it! I hate that Disney shut it down, though. I guess they aren’t willing to let Star Wars go there.

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