SPIDER-MAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Showrunner John Semper Jr. Wants a SPIDER-MAN '94 Revival

With all of the excitement building for the release of X-Men ‘97, which is a sequel series to the original ‘90s X-Men: The Animated Series, the showrunner of the Spider-Man: The Animated Series in the 1990s, John Semper Jr., wants a Spider-Man ‘94 revival!

Like X-Men: The Animated Series, Spider-Man: The Animated Series was a big hit with kids in the 90s, and there’s no doubt if that show got a revival like X-Men ‘97, the fans would flip out with excitement! I have no idea if this will ever happen, but Semper Jr. is ready and willing to jump into it if it does.

For those of you who don’t remember, the show ended with a huge cliffhanger! Mary Jane Watson was still missing and the Spider-Verse was even in play. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind seeing the story for all of that continue!

A fan reached out to Semper Jr. on X recently to ask whether he'd be interested in resurrecting the show, and he said: “All they have to do is call me. I'm here, and I'd certainly consider doing it.”

This was followed by fan responses, one saying, "[Disney Plus] [Kevin Feige] Get on the horn ASAP,” and another saying, "They should've went with Spidey first instead of X-Men '97, hopefully we will get the continuation of the best Spider-Man animated series.” Another wrote: "I'm praying every night and every day."

The first trailer for X-Men '97 featured a copy of The Daily Bugle which reiterated that the show takes place in the same world as Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

When previously talking about how much the 90s Spider-Man series is loved by fans, Semper Jr. said: "Well, it feels spectacular. I am, right at this moment, very happy to be me [Laughs]. I do get wonderful feedback from fans. Just about every other day I get an email or a letter out of the blue from someone saying about what the series meant to them."

He added: "I always hoped the show would have longevity and an impact down the line, and that people would appreciate the kind of drama we brought. It was threading that needle of appealing to fans, older people, and introducing Spider-Man to a new generation of kids who were totally unfamiliar with him."

As for a possible revival, he added, "I don’t think that the politics of the situation will allow for the 90s Spider-Man series to be revived. If they did revive it, I don’t know if I’d get to be involved. I was in a very good position because I was really able to have a lot of creative control over that show after episode 13 or 14. I don’t know if I’d ever have that situation again, so it would really make it a different kind of thing."

Would you like to see Marvel revive Spider-Man: The Animated Series and continue the story?

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