Mondo's BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Batman and Joker Action Figures Up For Pre-Sale

Mondo’s Batman: The Animated Series action figures featuring Batman and The Joker are up for pre-sale. These are some great-looking 1/6th scale action figures and a must-have for fans of the classic 90s animated series. They aren’t cheap, though!
You can pre-order Batman here for $219.99:
Batman returns! Based on the seminal Batman: The Animated Series, this new version of Mondo's previously sold-out figure comes with Glow-in-the-Dark eyes, a new animated-accurate paint application, and revised sculpt giving the figure more height. Featuring over 30 points of articulation and a TON of accessories, this amazing figure is a love letter to one of the most influential shows of all time!
You can order Joker here for $224.99:
Arguably one of the most Iconic villains of all time, from one of the best animated shows of all time, the Joker is joining the Mondo Batman: The Animated Series 1:6th scale figure line! This figure features over 30 points of articulation, 4x different portraits, and a slew of iconic accessories. The deco is done in an animated-style, creating the illusion that the figure jump right off the screen. This Joker figure captures the spirit and look of the ever-influential Batman: The Animated Series, and is going to be a great part of any fan's collection.