Joseph Fiennes Gives His Opinion on MAX's New Long-Form HARRY POTTER Series

A few weeks ago, HBO Max, now just going by the name Max, revealed that they are officially moving forward with a Harry Potter series at the streamer. This feels like a bit of both good news, as well as bad, seeing as how the actors from the films did such a fantastic job, and they will be hard to replace, yet on the other hand, it will be so cool to see the show get even more in depth than the films ever could. The movies were a lot of fun, but pretty much from the beginning, and especially from book 4 on, there were huge gaps left in the stories that fans of the books would have loved to have seen play out. Now we are finally getting out chance.

While the series is getting cast, all British actors are probably lining up to audition, and one may have a pretty good in, if he wanted to get in on the action. Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare In Love, The Handmaid’s Tale) was recently interviewed by ComicBook while he was doing press for The Mother, and because his brother played Lord Voldemort in the films, he was asked what he thought about the new series.

He first said:

"You know I'm trying to find that piece of makeup and that eye thing again, maybe I need that for an audition. I don't know. I just heard that recently and it's great. It feels like it was only yesterday. I don't know why we have to reinvent everything. But, I guess this is what happens."

But when pressed on his real feelings, he added:

"I think you're right. The structure of television now It's so brilliant and sophisticated, and the map is just wide open. So, you're right, it allows that material to be reexamined and take the viewers in a different direction or open up pockets that they wouldn't have imagined they would have the time to see in a cinema. So I think, actually, television's really exciting in that way."

I think he’s right. I think this series is really going to be amazing. I think it will be awesome to delve into the stories the same way we could as readers and see it play out on the screen. It doesn’t really sound like he’s trying to get in on playing the new Voldemort in the series though. He plays enough of a villain on The Handmaid’s Tale!

The new decade-long Harry Potter series is set to be produced by author J.K. Rowling. Stay tuned for more info on the series as it develops.

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