James McAvoy and Claire Foy Set To Star in a Mystery Thriller Titled MY SON and McAvoy will Improvise His Way Through it


STXfilms is set to make an English-language remake of the hit French thriller My Son, and they cast James McAvoy and Claire Foy to star in the movie.

In My Son, “when a man’s (McAvoy) only son goes missing, he travels to the town where his ex-wife (Foy) lives in search of answers.” It’s explained that to play a man whose life is clouded by mystery, “McAvoy will not be given a script or dialogue, as was the case in the French film. The character will only be aware of basic aspects of his story, and will have to improvise and react to each moment as it unfolds.”

As for the rest of the cast and crew, they will be aware of the scenes. The film will be directed by Christian Carion, who also directed the French film. Carion directed his original film the same way with his lead improvising the role.

This is certainly an interesting way to make a movie and I’m curious to see how exactly the story plays out and how McAvoy makes his way through it while improvising the whole time.

Adam Fogelson, chairman, STXfilms Motion Picture Group said in a statement:

“We’re thrilled to be working with Christian to create My Son for worldwide audiences. James will be doing the detective work of the film in real time, on camera, to create real tension for this thriller. We like to support bold and innovative storytelling like My Son, and Claire could not be a more spectacular or exciting choice for this film which is certain to thrill audiences.”

What do you think about this unconventional way of making a movie by having the lead actor improvise his part all the way through it?

Source: Deadline

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