Emily Blunt Would Still Love to Make That EDGE OF TOMORROW Sequel

Fans have been wanting to see a sequel to the 2014 film Edge of Tomorrow for a long time. A few years ago we learned that a script was completed and that director Doug Liman was hoping to shoot it after Mission: Impossible 8, which is when Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise will be available again. But, it’s been awhile since there’s been any update on the project.

Well, during a recent interview with Deadline, Emily Blunt offered a brief update saying: “Well, I would love to do another one. I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but I would love it. I don’t know if my back could take it.”

Matthew Robinson (The Invention Of Lying) pitched a take on the story that the studio apparently loved, and he wrote the initial draft of the script. Liman previously said that he likes the story for the sequel more than the first film and explained that it would revolutionize how people make sequels. He also said, “we’re gonna make it if we really believe in it. We have a story that the three of us love, so we’re working hard on the script."

As far as the story goes, it was said that it would pick up right where the last film left off, but then it will go backward in time. The director previously offered details in a previous interview, saying:

“I think what people tend to do with sequels is they just make them bigger. And I’m like, ‘No, a sequel should be smaller.’ You did the first film as sort of the ad campaign for the sequel, so now you don’t need as much action, and in the case of Edge of Tomorrow, people obviously loved the comedy and they loved the situation… so we can do way more focus on Tom’s character and Emily Blunt’s character, and there’s a third character in the sequel that’s gonna for sure steal the movie. We can focus on that. I don’t need an action sequence every two minutes."

He went on to say:

“It’s mostly not on the battlefield, so there’s a whole new arena of fights we’re going to do using a lot of the technology, but also, because it is a prequel, it’s a lot of the precursor stuff. I’m really interested in the details of that … Like batteries, do they run out on these suits? I mean, they must have batteries. Or he gets stuck with the menu in the wrong language, just the reality of that menu stuck in the wrong language when you’re in the middle of a battlefield and aliens are all around you and you gotta get the suit working again, that detail gives you drama and excitement. And humor. In the sequel, I’m creating an environment where I get to have even more of those details.”

Blunt also previously talked about the script and said, “It’s really promising and really, really cool. I just don’t know when everything’s going to sort of align, you know what I mean? Between all of our schedules, it would just have to be the right time. But there is something in the works, for sure, that’s a great idea. A great idea.”

When asked a couple of years ago if she wanted to make the movie, she said at the time: “We wanted to. Honestly, I think the movie is probably too expensive. Yeah, I just don’t know how we’re going to do it. I think that it’s hard to align everyone’s schedules. I would love it. Doug Liman would love it. Tom would love it. We’d all love to do it. But I think until we figure out what’s going on with the industry – honestly, I think we need to figure out what is the next road map for the kinds of films that people want to make?”

Hopefully, they all get around to making the movie! This is a film fans would love to see actually happen. That first movie was so good, and if they have a story that is even better… they have to do it!

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