Diego Luna Says Season 2 of ANDOR Will Represent the Audience in a Way Since They Took Some Fan Input

Everyone knew that Andor was a Star Wars series with an expiration date, as the story was just a lead up to the film Star Wars: Rogue One. With it being such a fantastic series, some saying the best of Star Wars stories, at least in a very long time, it’s a bummer to know it’s coming to an end. But one very cool aspect of the second season is knowing that audiences had a hand in making it.

In a recent interview with Variety, star of the series Diego Luna explained:

“The second season ends where ‘Rogue One’ starts. We’re not changing the ending of ‘Rogue One’ so that’s it. It’s a nice feeling, it’s like a long film… It has a beginning and an end. We all know what’s going to happen. There’s something interesting with the second season, which is that I have a different feeling every day I go to set. Now I know, not just that the series was well received and that people liked it, but I know why they liked it. That’s another tool we have these days through social media. We actually listen to audiences and critics. We understand what things connected and what didn’t connect. It’s kind of cool to have an opportunity to go and execute another season having this information. It’s, in a way, a season that will end up representing the audience in a different way. Somehow, the audience is part of this season because the interaction we had served as inspiration.”

Season 2 will be the end of the road for Cassian Andor and creator Tony Gilroy has stated that this is his last Star Wars project. When asked if there could be a different role in the Star Wars universe in the future for Luna, possibly as a director, Luna said:

“You’ll have to ask someone who can actually give me that job, otherwise we’re just talking fantasy. That’s another galaxy, I don’t know how far away it is. I like directing. I can tell you one thing, the next thing I’m doing after this is directing. When ‘Rogue One’ ended, my daughter said, ‘Is that it? You’re dead!’ I was like, yeah that’s it… I do film, it always has a beginning and end. And then I went on to do two seasons of a TV show, a prequel, so who knows! I don’t like thinking too far ahead.”

I look forward to seeing how this masterful series is wrapped up. Andor Season 2 will be released later this year.

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