Christopher Nolan Says Hollywood Needs Franchises as They Pay for Other Types of Films to Be Made

Christopher Nolan is known for his blockbuster hit movies that dominate the box office, and though he usually doesn’t make the type of movie that goes on to see a sequel, or become part of a bigger universe, he sees the value in franchise films in the big Hollywood picture. Many directors have been critical of the big movie franchises like Marvel over the past few years as the film industry has gotten back on its feet after the theatre closures of the pandemic, but Nolan sees value in every type of film, as he recently explained to the Associated Press:

“There’s always a balance in Hollywood between established titles that can assure a return in audience and give people more of what they want. That’s always been a big part of the economics of Hollywood, and it pays for a lot of other types of films to be made and distributed. But there also always has to be respect for the audience’s desire for something new. That’s one of the big thrills of going to the movies is, frankly, seeing a trailer for a movie you’ve never heard of or type of movie you haven’t seen. A healthy ecosystem in Hollywood is about a balance between the two things and always has been.”

I think there are audiences out there for all the types of movies that are being made. I hope filmmakers of all kinds are able to keep making their chosen medium with the support of an audience.

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