AMC Theatres Announces Three New Nicole Kidman Ads Will Debut This Week

AMC Theatres has announced that they are releasing three new Nicole Kidman ads in its theaters this week. On March 1, a new 30-second version of the “We Make Movies Better” ad will make its theatrical debut at AMC locations nationwide. Then, in the coming months, the theater chain will rotate in two other never-before-seen-in-theaters versions of the pre-show ad.

My local theater is an AMC and whenever I go to the movies, the audience gets really into that original ad. Everyone in the theaters quotes the damn thing every time it plays, and the audience cheers and claps at the end. It’s quite the experience. “Somehow, heartbreak feels good in a place like this.” I’m sure fans will be happy to see some new ads!

AMC shared in a statement: “The main theme of the campaign remains the same: With state-of-the-art technology, luxurious amenities, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, AMC Theatres is the ultimate destination for moviegoers seeking unparalleled cinematic experiences. Quite simply, We Make Movies Better.”

AMC CEO Adam Aron said: "We're going to show three different reels on a rotating basis starting on March 1st" Aron shared. "You'll see a different reel just before the movie begins." 

Billy Ray (FlightplanThe Hunger GamesCaptain Phillips, and Richard Jewell), the screenwriter behind the original ad, previously talked about being asked to write the follow-up ads, saying: "I got a text from the chairman of AMC about a month ago asking me if I would write the next one, and of course, the answer to that is yes. It's already written. I'm very, very excited about it ... All I can tell you about it is we are not dumb enough to fly in the face of the one we've already done and try to top it. So, it's a very, very different approach that is a little bit of a wink to the one we've already done."

Ray also revealed that Kidman was the one who asked him to write the first ad, saying: "When Nicole first asked me to do it, I was just doing it as a favor. I said I would do it for free just because I'm a fan and a friend of hers. My agent said, 'No, that's not what's happening here. You need to be paid for this.' And it turns out my agent was right because it's had real value."

Ray previously spoke about writing the iconic AMC ad, saying: “I was trying to think, ‘What do I so cherish about the movie-going experience?’ And, ‘Why is it so important for people to hear stories along with 1,000 other strangers?’ And what occurred to me was there are certain cathartic experiences that movies provide for us. We see our characters go through hell, and we get to cry about that. There’s something very cleansing about it because it feels bad. But it doesn’t feel like what they’re feeling. They’re walking through the feeling for us. They’re walking through the devastation for us. And, so, our heartbreak does feel good in a place like that.”

Are you excited about seeing new Nicole Kidman AMC Theatres movie ads!?

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